Example Wordle result for #196. Final word is REBUS.

Tracking *ordles

Wordle, the online word-guessing game recently purchased by the New York Times, has produced a lot of spin-off games. For instance, Duordle asks users to guess two words a time. Sedecordle gives you 16 at a time!

With all the games, it can be hard to keep track of them all. It can even be difficult to know whether played a game today or not. To help track your progress, I built this simple webpage.

Screenshot of Ordles.html website. Title is *dle links. Shows check boxes next to names of different wordle spin-off games
The tracker is self-contained in a single HTML file.

Each name links directly to the relevant page. When you finish, just click the checkbox to mark that you are done. When you come back the next day, use the "UNCHECK ALL" button at the bottom to reset the checkmarks.