• Arbitrary text for in-text citation in Mendeley

    It's taken an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to quickly add arbitrary text to an in-text citation with Mendeley's Word plug-in. Until this week, most (all?) of my submitted manuscripts have had sections that looked like this: That annoying )( doesn't look great, but it was even more annoying to try and type inside the left parenthesis, the deal with the pop-up from Mendeley asking if I wanted to keep the manual edit every single time I re-opened the word document. To add arbitrary text, click on the citation, then click on the "Edit Citation" button in the Mendeley toolbar. This brings up the citation editor. Click on…

  • Formatted summary tables R

    One of the slightly annoying issues I've had with using the summary() function in R are the multiple steps it takes to get the parameters from a fitted model into a format that's useful for pasting into a manuscript. After a lot of trial and error, the workflow I settled on used Daniel Lüdecke's sjstats and sjPlot packages. sjPlot has the very helpful plot_model() function and tab_model() functions, that make it very easy to plot marginal effects and interactions, or render HTML tables that can be cut and pasted. However, sjstats also used to contained std_beta(), a function would could be passed a fitted model object (e.g. from lmer() )…