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2 TidyTuesdays

The last two weeks of #tidytuesday have both involved data that can be spatially mapped. They were a good opportunity to get more familiar with showing information on states in the US or countries in Europe.

Alternative fuel sources in the US

The data for 2022-03-01 are fueling stations throughout the US that offer alternatives to gasoline or diesel. I used the usmap package to help plot this one:

A map of the United States. The color of each state shows the proportion of alternative fuel stations use electric charging. There are more of such states in New England.
TidyTuesday for 2022-03-01 showing alternative fuel sources in the United States.

Code for this graphic is here

Erasmus exchange program

The data for 2022-03-08 come from the Erasmus+ exchange program. It allows students to travel to other countries. I decided to look at which countries received more students than they sent away. I used the sf and rnaturalearth packages for this one.

I wanted to help adjust for differences in the total number of students who travel each year, so I normalized by the total number of students before subtracting exports from imports.

Maps showing the countries of Europe over six academic years. The color of each country shows how many more Erasmus+ students the country recieved than sent away. France was the highest each year.
Erasmus+ students seem to prefer traveling to France over all six years.

Code for this graphic is here