
Visualizing signal dropout across subjects

One of my current projects involves working with some data that I did not collect. I have the smoothed and normalized NIfTI images and the first-level stats images, including SPM.mat and the con_*, beta_*, and spmT_* files.

Generating the second-level images is straight-forward, but when I visualized simple effects, there was larger than expected signal dropout in vmPFC and temporal pole around the sinuses. It seemed plausible that across the 80+ subjects in the dataset, there might be a handful of subjects with abnormally high dropout. Losing one or two individual subjects seems like a reasonable price to pay to recover vmPFC signal, since the task involves social decision-making.

Rather than manually examine each subject, I decided to write script to generate some useful plots and take advantage of MATLAB's imagesc(). The goal was to present information in such a way that outliers would pop out. The script uses each subject's first-level mask.nii to show where voxels exist, and then summarizes those values in four plots:

  1. A midline sagittal slice
  2. A horizontal slice (MNI z = -15) ended up being most informative for these data
  3. A virtual probe placed at x = 0, y = 40
  4. A virtual probe placed at x = 0, y = 20

The two virtual probes are a 1 x 1 stack of voxels along the z-axis, and make it easy to visually identify whether a few subjects have large dropout. After some fiddling, I went with red and green lines overlaid on the sagittal and horizontal slices to make it easier to remember where the probes were placed. The probe data have red or green lines, respectively, at the top and bottom of the plot. If I find some free time, I may go back and experiment with better ways to color code the probe plots (I really don't like how the axis labels and box colors are linked in MATLAB).

There's a little prep work to do before using plot_dropout(). First, merge all of the 3D mask.nii files from subject's first-level stats folders into a single 4D file (e.g. using fslmerge or SPM -> Util -> 3D to 4D File Conversion in SPM's Batch Editor). Second, a list of all the subject IDs to report which are the most problematic.


% Author: Keith Yoder (keithyoder.com)
% University of Chicago, SCNL/CNS, 8/2019

% User-defined variables
working_dir = ''; % path to files
mask_file = ''; % path to merged subject mask.nii files
sub_labels = {}; % list of subject labels
sub_thresh = 4; % threshold for reporting (e.g. up tp 4th worst)

% Coordinates for the probes
xcoord = 0;
ycoord = 40;
ycoord2 = 20;
zcoord = -15;

all_masks = fullfile(working_dir, mask_file);
fprintf('Reading in %s...\n', all_masks);

% Read in the 4D mask image
V = spm_vol(all_masks);
[Y, XYZ] = spm_read_vols(V);
% extract max x, y, and z coordinates
[x y z t] = size(Y);

% convert from voxel space to mm space
XYZmm = [xcoord, ycoord, zcoord];
XYZvox = round(V(1).mat\[XYZmm 1]');

XYZmm2 = [xcoord, ycoord2, zcoord];
XYZvox2 = round(V(1).mat\[XYZmm2 1]');

fprintf('%d subjects detected. Image dim: %d x %d x %d\n',t,x,y,z);

% Plot midline image across participants
h = figure;
% Set colorbar thresholds to useful value
caxis([.85 1])
% Add coordinates to plot title
title(sprintf('Percentage of voxels present at X=%d',xcoord));
hold on
% Add probe lines
line([XYZvox(2), XYZvox(2)], [1 z], 'color', 'r');
line([XYZvox2(2), XYZvox2(2)], [1 z], 'color', 'g');
line([1 y], z-[XYZvox2(3), XYZvox2(3)],  'color', 'r');
hold off

% Plot axial image across participants
caxis([.85 1])
title(sprintf('Percentage of voxels present at Z=%d',zcoord));
hold on
line([XYZvox(1), XYZvox(1)], [1 y], 'color', 'r');
line([1 x], y-[XYZvox(2), XYZvox(2)], 'color', 'r');
line([1 x], y-[XYZvox2(2), XYZvox2(2)], 'color', 'g');
hold off

% Plot probe data
% extract probe data (nsub x zvox)
probe = flipud(squeeze((Y(XYZvox(1),XYZvox(2),:,:))));
title(sprintf('Voxels present at X=%d, Y=%d', xcoord, ycoord));
hold on
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[1 1],'-r');
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[2 2],'-r');
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[z z],'-r');
hold off
% count number of voxels for each subject within probe
probe_counts = sum(probe);
% sort values
[sval, sidx] = sort(probe_counts);
% find the worst subjects
thresh = sval(sub_thresh);
% identify any worse
worse = find(sval < thresh);
% identify any at least as bad
bad = find(sval == thresh);
low = [worse bad];
fprintf('The %d worst probe values is %d, and occur for:\n', sub_thresh, thresh);
for ii=1:length(low)
    fprintf('%s (%.0f)\n', sub_labels{sidx(low(ii))}, sval(low(ii)));

% Repeat with Probe 2
probe = flipud(squeeze((Y(XYZvox2(1),XYZvox2(2),:,:))));
title(sprintf('Voxels present at X=%d, Y=%d', xcoord, ycoord2));
hold on
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[1 1],'-g');
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[2 2],'-g');
plot([1 length(sub_labels)],[z z],'-g');
hold off
probe_counts = sum(probe);
[sval, sidx] = sort(probe_counts);
thresh = sval(sub_thresh);
worse = find(sval < thresh);
bad = find(sval == thresh);
low = [worse bad];
fprintf('The %d worst probe values is %d, and occur for:\n', sub_thresh,thresh);
for ii=1:length(low)
    fprintf('%s (%.0f)\n', sub_labels{sidx(low(ii))}, sval(low(ii)));