I use xjView to visualize statistical maps most of the time. One reason why, is that it's report function generates a lot of useful information, including not only the peak MNI coordinates and peak intensity, but also a breakdown of the number of voxels within each cluster than within specific AAL labels (is that parahippocampal or amgydala?).
I also use these reports when I need to generate tables for manuscripts. The processes isn't overly elegant, but it's functional:
- Load the stats image.
- Generate the xjView report.
- Paste the report from the MATLAB command window into a *.txt document.
- Convert the *.txt document into a comma-separated table.
- Open the CSV tables and manually check each XYZ coordinate to determine the appropriate label.
Step 4 is accomplished primarily by a helper function I wrote in Python during my second or third year of grad school, named report2csv.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# report2csv.py
# Read in a report txt file from SPM xjview and create a CSV table
# Author: Keith Yoder (keithyoder.com)
# University of Chicago, SCNL/CNS, 2019
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Pass in a report txt file from xjview and I'll make a CSV in the same directory"
in_file = sys.argv[1]
print "Working on %s" % in_file
f = open(in_file)
fl = f.readlines()
for ii in range(0,len(fl)):
# test for which style of return
ret = '\n';
if fl[ii][-2] == '\r':
ret = '\n\r'
fl[ii] = fl[ii].strip(ret)
out_file = in_file.replace('txt','csv')
out_lines = []
cluster_number = 0
voxel_count = 0
peak_x = 0
peak_y = 0
peak_z = 0
label1 = ''
label2 = ''
pval = 0
peak_T = 0
clust_thresh = 0
curline=0 # ASSERT: ignore first line (file path for stats image)
while curline < len(fl)-1:
curline += 1
# get the pvalue and cluster thresholds
if 'p' in fl[curline] and 'value' in fl[curline]:
parts = fl[curline].strip('\n').split('=')
pval = parts[1].replace(' ','')
if 'cluster' in fl[curline] and 'size' in fl[curline]:
parts = fl[curline].strip('\n').split('=')
clust_thresh = parts[1].replace(' ','')
# ASSERT: report file follows xjView report format. Example:
# /labs/projects/research/fMRI/SVM_searchlight_masked_p05.nii,1
# Type: S
# df: 1
# Threshold
# -- p value = 1
# -- intensity = -1.633123935319537e+16
# -- cluster size = 10
# Number of clusters found: 8
# ----------------------
# Cluster 1
# Number of voxels: 4562
# Peak MNI coordinate: -46 -70 20
# Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Temporal Lobe // Middle Temporal Gyrus // White Matter // undefined // Temporal_Mid_L (aal)
# Peak intensity: 2.2768
# search for a line that begins with Cluster
if fl[curline].startswith('Cluster'):
# now find the relevant details and add it to the file
while curline < len(fl) -1 and not '----' in fl[curline]:
curline += 1
line = fl[curline].strip('\n')
if line.startswith('Number'):
parts = line.strip('\n').split(':')
voxel_count = parts[1].replace(' ','')
elif line.startswith('Peak') and 'coordinate:' in line:
#print ('Now getting coords: %s' % line.strip('\n'))
parts = line.strip('\n').split(':')
cleancoords = parts[1].replace(' ','|').replace('||','|').replace('||','|').replace('||','|').replace('||','|')
coords = cleancoords.split('|')
#print coords
peak_x = coords[1]
peak_y = coords[2]
peak_z = coords[3]
elif line.startswith('Peak') and 'region' in line:
parts = line.strip('\n').split(':')
regions = parts[1].split('//')
label1 = regions[3]
label2 = regions[6]
elif line.startswith('Peak') and 'intensity' in line:
parts = line.strip('\n').split(':')
peak_T = parts[1].replace(' ','')
if not peak_T == 0:
out_lines.append(str(label1) + ',' + str(label2) + ',' + str(peak_x) + ',' + str(peak_y) + ',' + str(peak_z) + ',' + str(voxel_count) + ',' + str(peak_T))
peak_T = 0
out = open(out_file,'w')
for line in out_lines:
out.write('%s\n' % line)
Step 5 is very important, and goes along with the most important rule I stress with everyone I train to do any kind of neuroimaging analysis: look at your data.