Machine Learning,  Matlab


I've come to really appreciate all of the heavy lifting that's being done behind the scenes with the pymvpa and CoSMoMVPA tools, especially their implementations of searchlights and native support for TFCE. For local reasons (ease of parallelization on the cluster), I've ended up using CoSMoMVPA on two MRI datasets now.

More recently, I've started to expand MATLAB's support vector machine (SVM) functionality to apply to other contexts: (1) classifying stimulus categories using EEG scalp voltages as features to identify informative time points and (2) classifying stimulus categories based on subjective ratings. In both cases, interpretable beta weights from linear SVMs have been useful. For the EEG context, rendering topoplots of electrode importance is a useful complement to scalp topographies. For the subjective ratings, I'm using it to pair down from 10 questions, to a "most-informative" subset to reduce the time of the study.

All that to say, I've ended up writing a MATLAB function to handle linear SVM classification problems (for 2 or more classes), performing cross-validation (including stratified CV if desired), and including options for repeated CV. The function returns the averaged cross-validated accuracy and a matrix of beta weights (one for each feature, for each one-vs-one classification). It's actually a pair of functions: svm_classify for two classes and svm_group_classify() for more than two classes.


function [Acc, Beta] = svm_group_classify(X, Y, group, varargin)
%   Train a linear SVM to classify between 2+ classes in Y based on X.
% Usage:
%   > [Acc, Beta] = svm_classify(X, Y, group, ...);
% Parameters:
%   X   predictor matrix (n samples x p predictors)
%   Y   vector of target labels (one for each n sample)
%   group   vector of group labels for cross-validation 
%           ([] to use Y instead)
% Optional Parameters:
%   'npart'     number of folds for cross-validation (default: 5)
%   'nruns"     number of times to repeate cross-validation (default: 1)
% Output:
%   Acc     cross-validated accuracy rate (averaged over nruns)
%   Beta    matrix of beta weights (p predictors x (k classes choose 2) )

    %% Define defaults and parse input
    npart = 5;
    nruns = 1;
    if nargin > 2
        narg = 1;
        while narg <= length(varargin)
            if strcmpi(varargin{narg},'npart')
                narg = narg+1;
                npart = varargin{narg};
            elseif strcmpi(varargin{narg},'nruns')
                narg = narg+1;
                nruns = varargin{narg};
                error(sprintf('Unrecognized keyword ''%s''\n',varargin{narg}));
            narg = narg+1;
    if isempty(group)
        [Acc, Beta] = svm_classify(X, Y, 'npart', npart, 'nruns', nruns);
    if length(Y) ~= length(group)
        error('Y and group must have the same size.');
    group_ids = unique(group);
    %% Create the SVM template
    % Linear SVM (for interpretable beta weights)
    % Standardize inputs
    T = templateSVM('Standardize', 1, 'KernelFunction', 'linear');
    %% Preallocate outputs
    Accs = zeros(nruns, 1);
    n_classes = numel(unique(Y));
    n_learners = nchoosek(n_classes,2);
    Betas = zeros(size(X,2), nruns, n_learners);
	%% Train and cross-validate the classifier(s)
    % For each "run" of the CV process, generate group-based CV partitions
    % Then train the linear SVM to distinguish between target labels
    % Store the fold-based accuracy rates and feature beta weights in
    % fold_acc and fold_beta, respectively, before averaging across folds
    % to store in Accs and Betas
    for run_id=1:nruns
        %% Generate the group-based CV partitions
        group_cv = cvpartition(numel(group_ids), 'KFold', npart);

        fold_accs = zeros(npart, 1);
        fold_betas = zeros(size(X,2), npart, n_learners);
        for part_id=1:npart
            %% Get the test/train indices and extract those data
            % extract indices of test subjects
            test_group = test(group_cv, part_id);
            % extract the test subject ids
            test_subs = group_ids(test_group);
            % create an array of logical values
            %   1 = group at idx is a test subject
            %   0 = otherwise
            test_idx = zeros(length(group),1);
            for sub_id=1:numel(test_subs)
                test_idx(group == test_subs(sub_id)) = 1;
            test_idx = logical(test_idx);
            train_idx = ~test_idx;
            X_train = X(train_idx,:);
            X_test = X(test_idx,:);
            Y_train = Y(train_idx);
            Y_test = Y(test_idx);
            %% Perform one-vs-one classifical for all (k choose 2) pairs
            Mdl = fitcecoc(X_train, Y_train, 'Coding', 'onevsone', 'Learners', T);
            %% Calculate fold accuracy
            preds = predict(Mdl, X_test);
            fold_accs(part_id) = mean(preds == Y_test);
            %% Extract fold Betas
            for learn_id=1:n_learners
                fold_betas(:,part_id,learn_id) = Mdl.BinaryLearners{learn_id}.Beta;
        Accs(run_id) = mean(fold_accs);
        Betas(:,run_id,:) = squeeze(mean(fold_betas,2));
    Acc = mean(Accs);
    Beta = squeeze(mean(Betas,2));


function [Acc, Beta] = svm_classify(X, Y, varargin)
%   Train a linear SVM to classify between 2+ classes in Y based on X.
% Usage:
%   > [Acc, Beta] = svm_classify(X, Y, ...);
% Parameters:
%   X   predictor matrix (n samples x p predictors)
%   Y   vector of target labels (one for each n sample)
% Optional Parameters:
%   'npart'     number of folds for cross-validation (default: 5)
%   'nruns"     number of times to repeate cross-validation (default: 1)
% Output:
%   Acc     cross-validated accuracy rate (averaged over nruns)
%   Beta    matrix of beta weights (p predictors x (k classes choose 2) )

    %% Define defaults and parse input
    npart = 5;
    nruns = 1;
    if nargin > 2
        narg = 1;
        while narg <= length(varargin)
            if strcmpi(varargin{narg},'npart')
                narg = narg+1;
                npart = varargin{narg};
            elseif strcmpi(varargin{narg},'nruns')
                narg = narg+1;
                nruns = varargin{narg};
                error(sprintf('Unrecognized keyword ''%s''\n',varargin{narg}));
            narg = narg+1;
    %% Create the SVM template
    T = templateSVM('Standardize', 1, 'KernelFunction', 'linear');
    %% Perform one-vs-one classifical for all (k choose 2) pairs
    Mdl = fitcecoc(X, Y, 'Coding', 'onevsone', 'Learners', T);
    %% Preallocate outputs
    Accs = zeros(nruns, 1);
    n_classes = numel(unique(Y));
    n_learners = nchoosek(n_classes,2);
    Betas = zeros(size(X,2), npart, n_learners);
    %% Calculate cross-validated accuracy
    for run_i=1:nruns
        CVMdl = crossval(Mdl, 'kfold', npart);
        Accs(run_i) = 1-kfoldLoss(CVMdl);
    Acc = mean(Accs);
    %% Calculate feature beta weights
    for part_i=1:npart
        for learn_i=1:n_learners
            Betas(:,part_i,learn_i) = CVMdl.Trained{part_i}.BinaryLearners{learn_i}.Beta;
    Beta = squeeze(mean(Betas,2));